
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Art in minature pendants

Here are the pendant designs that I will be offering on Etsy in January.  They are art in minature. I have posted many of my designs on my Etsy site, which is down until January.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Holiday Fairs and Events

Please add comments,other events or craft fairs and web links if they have them. I will add to this also.

This is a fun place to go in December.  They have beautiful themed christmas trees on display with all the items available to purchase.  There is a minature Christmas village display also.  Check it out.  Lynnwood

Nov 11,12,13, 14 Holiday Boutique arts and crafts show
Woodinville Hollywood Schoolhouse 14810 NE 145th St. 

Victorian Country Christmas in Puyallup  Takes all day to look at everything.

Nov 19,20 Hassle free holiday Bazaar Renton

Holiday events in Shoreline

Nov 30-Dec 3 Dinner Theater and Lights of Christmas 
Dinner theater this year is "Christmas on the Tumblin' D"  
Take a trip back to 1941, with an original theater production of Christmas on Tumblin' D, by Victoria Ritchey. You have your choice of a Dinner Theatre or Dessert Matinee Theatre experience. This is a seperately ticketed event at The Lights of Christmas. Advance reservations are required. I went with a friend and had a great time.

Dec 5,6 Urban craft uprising

Friday, October 15, 2010

Craft Fair this weekend

TWO DAY SHOW - Saturday AND Sunday, October 16 & 17, 2010

Location: The Intiman Theatre (on Mercer, at Seattle Center)

Show hours: 11am to 5pm BOTH days

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I could not up load the other one.  I will try later. 

Monday, August 23, 2010


The Kitchn at They have great cup cake wrappers to purchase.  Do you have a favorite cupcake product or recipe you want to share?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Teddy Bear seen in Pancake

We were talking about different pictures that people see in toast while we were cooking pancakes. Can you see the teddy bear we found in our pancake? Look at the white areas. His head is the most distinct. His head  and ears are  at the top of the pancake.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bird and Basket for Doll

I am going to put another doll on Etsy. I just finished the little bird and a basket.
My first doll is seen in an earlier post dream doll

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Unlock your car with a cell phone.

You have locked your keys in your car and you are out of state, what do you do? This will only work if you have a newer vehicle that can be unlocked with a remote button.  It will not work on my old classic car that is shown in the photo.  Call home or to whoever has your spare remote button.   Hold your cell phone up to the car lock. Have them hold their cell phone up to the car lock and push the unlock button.   We first tried with the regular phone and it did not work, so we then tried with a cell phone and it worked.

Let me know if you try this.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Decorating Baby's Nursery

This site had some of the cutest room decor for baby's rooms.  They also have some decorating projects. I house designs at 

Do you have any favorite decorating ideas or how to sites for decorating?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where to get books

Books are so expensive.  Many used book stores give you credit for your old books, which does help. This used book site sounds interesting. You trade your used books for books you want to read. I have not tried this yet, but plan to.  I heard it was great from someone who does buy paper back books.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Baby Turtle Sketch

Here is a sketch of a baby turtle cartoon, that I have started.

Is your shampoo or cosmetic toxic?

Is your shampoo or cosmetics toxic? Type your product in and click search.
Look at the rating for Miessence which range from 0-3   0-2 are low hazard   3-6 are moderate hazard and 7-10 are high hazard. You can also click the tab at the top to see all the items listed by toxic levels. Please add information you find.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


My clothes are getting tight, it is time to do weight watchers and loose these 10 pounds that have crept up on me. Since I am under 150 pounds my points for the day are between 18-23. One of the most important steps
to this diet is writing everything down and measuring amounts. It also helps to have support. I lost 10 pounds before with them. I did go to their meetings. It is good to join and go for awhile just to learn how it works and get all the material or get it from someone that has it and can explain the program.

I like it because I can eat anything I want.

It is surprising how many people, in the USA, do not get enough vitamin D even in places like California. A blood test can show if you are not getting enough. Another item many people do not get enough of is protein, which is surprising.

How much protein you need.
1/4 to 1/2 gram times your body weight in pounds.

Read the following article which is where I found the information on protein.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

How to make a wood jewelry pendant

Making pendants.
E6000 glue
art picture or paper
diamond glaze
modge podge or other glue to adhere paper to wood.

You can use many differnt designs and techniques to make these pendants. Most of mine are from prints I
have designed. I use photoshop to reduce them to the size I want, which is a little smaller than the pendant. They have been sprayed with Goldens archival sealer to keep the ink from bleeding. This will need to dry.
My circle flower is made by cutting paper pieces which are then glued to the background paper or to a painted surface.You can make your own paper or buy scrapbooking paper.

Wood-Luckily, my husband has the tools to cut my wood for me. These are a little over 1 inch.  They are much bigger than the scrabble pendants.  I plan on having those too.  Each piece of wood is sanded down and sealed before it is painted with acrylic.

Acrylic-I use the craft jars that most craft stores carry, such as Ceramcoat by Delta.

Use the modge podge to glue the picture to the wood or use any other glue you want to use. Let dry 10-20 minutes.

Place wax paper down to keep the diamond glaze from sticking. Do not shake the glaze. There are differnt techniques on using it. Some people place a glob in the center and pull it out.  Others make a rim around the wood and fill it in.  Bubbles can be pushed off to the side and wiped off or pop with a pin. You may decide to do a second layer the next day after the first layer dries.  After it dries,you can sand it with fine sandpaper if you need to.

I did finish the heart with diamond glaze but plan on using resin on the rest.

Glue-E6000 is widely used by jewelry makers.   Use this glue to add the bail to the top of the necklace. I will write more on resin in a future post.

I am taking some metal smithing classes.  There is an example in the photo of one of the pieces I made out of brass and copper. We are making a bird nest this weekend.

Friday, March 5, 2010


Exercise! How to get motivated? I finally came up with something that works for me.  I have a great book I am reading.  I can only read it if I am on the exercise bike.  I plan on purchasing the other books by the
 author. This gives me the incentive to workout.  It is also important to keep your body guessing, and not do the same routine everyday.  I will work on that down the road.  For now the bike along with some physical therapy exercises will be a good start. My first goal is to do this 4 days a week for 3 months.  What motivates you to exercise?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Great Horned Owl

Cards are listed on Etsy.
They can be personlized and other card stock may be available, as is the case for most of my cards.
The Great Horned Owl is one of the most well know owls in the US. The name owl comes from the word “ule” which means to howl.  They are about 1.5 feet- 2 feet Females are larger than males Owls have acute
hearing and vision. They can blink but their eyes do not move around. In order to see moving objects an owl must move its entire head around to view it. Luckily they can move their head about ¾ of the way around on each side (which amounts to almost all the way around. They are very important in the control of rodents and insects.

Great horned Owl links

Video –nice video


Audio of the sound that owls make

General information about the great horned owl

For kids-coloring page of great horned owl

Craft projects of great horned owl for kids-

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Adopt an otter

Wild life adoption -donate and receive a cute plush animals and book

Note cards are listed on Etsy and can be personalized.
The adorable otter you saw in an earlier blog post is a southern/California sea otter that I drew. They are listed as threatened under the

Thursday, February 4, 2010

turtle card personalized

Here is the turtle card that I designed.

Art picked for Treasury on Etsy

It was fun to have one of my pieces on a Treasury.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

How to Add a Photo or Image to Blogger

Go to Dashboard on blogger.                                 
Click NEW POST which is located near your picture, right next to Edit notificationA new screen will come up where you can add your new post.  Make sure you know where your image is located on your computer and know what you named the image. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Final Japanese landscape

Here is the final Japanese landscape.  It will not have the Barbieri watermark.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cat cards

Here is the final drawing of the cat. There are two more pictures following.

The barbieri is not on the cards. Blue envelopes look great with this drawing.  I am going to look for a clear

Monday, January 18, 2010

Facebook privacy

Change your privacy settings on Facebbook.
This link has some good information on privacy.  facebookprivacy

Where to go on facebook to change settings.
At the tip right corner of the blue band you will see the following:
This is a great link for privacy and safety for Facebook.

On the top of facebook there is a blue band. On the top right, click account.
Map showing where things are:
Edit friends
Account Settings
     Linked Accounts
     Security Question
     Deactivate Account
Privacy Settings
     Profile information
     Conact information
     Applications and websites
            What you share
            What our friends can share about you
            Blocked applications
            Ignore application invites
            Activity on applications and games dashboards
            Block list
Application Settings
Credits Balance
Help Center
Also go to left side of screen to edit my profile by your photo

Edit my profile
     Basic information This can be blank
     Personal information This can be blank
     Contact Information It is a good idea to change the settings here so not everyone can see your  
     information. You can choose who sees this information.

more information

Sunday, January 10, 2010


I always feel that I have a million things to do.
I made a list of all the things I tell myself that I need to do. I also noted which ones really stress me out. Next I put them in order of importance.