
Monday, August 23, 2010


The Kitchn at They have great cup cake wrappers to purchase.  Do you have a favorite cupcake product or recipe you want to share?

Friday, August 20, 2010

Teddy Bear seen in Pancake

We were talking about different pictures that people see in toast while we were cooking pancakes. Can you see the teddy bear we found in our pancake? Look at the white areas. His head is the most distinct. His head  and ears are  at the top of the pancake.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Bird and Basket for Doll

I am going to put another doll on Etsy. I just finished the little bird and a basket.
My first doll is seen in an earlier post dream doll

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Unlock your car with a cell phone.

You have locked your keys in your car and you are out of state, what do you do? This will only work if you have a newer vehicle that can be unlocked with a remote button.  It will not work on my old classic car that is shown in the photo.  Call home or to whoever has your spare remote button.   Hold your cell phone up to the car lock. Have them hold their cell phone up to the car lock and push the unlock button.   We first tried with the regular phone and it did not work, so we then tried with a cell phone and it worked.

Let me know if you try this.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Decorating Baby's Nursery

This site had some of the cutest room decor for baby's rooms.  They also have some decorating projects. I house designs at 

Do you have any favorite decorating ideas or how to sites for decorating?

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Where to get books

Books are so expensive.  Many used book stores give you credit for your old books, which does help. This used book site sounds interesting. You trade your used books for books you want to read. I have not tried this yet, but plan to.  I heard it was great from someone who does buy paper back books.